Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water. In a large bowl or mixer bowl add flour, sugar, yeast water. Mix well. Add pumpkin puree, an egg, orange zest and vanilla extract. Continue kneading until all ingredients are well combines. Lastly add in butter cut in cubes.
Continue working the dough on a worktop or in a stand mixer until it becomes smooth, silky and will non longer stick to the bowl.
Transfer the dough to a large greased bowl. Cover with a plastic wrap and a kitchen towel and let rise at room temperature (between 75-85F or 25-30C).
It’ll take about 2 hours for the dough to double in size.
Lightly flour the worktop, turn the bowl upside down and let the dough come out, helping it with a spatula if needed.
Gently punch down the dough and divide into 2 pieces.
Give each piece sort of a square shape.
Top with chocolate chips and raisins pressing them into the dough.
Fold the edges into the center, then fold again sealing well.
Cut a long piece of kitchen twine (approx), grease it and run it under and around the dough ball in a way that the ball is divided into 8 parts.
Do not tie the ball too tightly as it will continue to rise a lot more during the second rise and in the oven.
Repeat the same process with the second piece of the dough.
Transfer your pumpkin bread onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover with a linen towel and let rise for 30-60 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 350F (180C).
Beat an egg with some milk and gently brush the bread with egg wash.
Place your pumpkin in a preheated oven and bake it for about 30 minutes.
Check on the bread at 25 minute mark and adjust baking time depending on the coloring of the bread. It should have a nice golden color.Carefully remove kitchen twine. Dust with confectioneers sugar and insert a cinnamon stick imitating a pumpkin stem.Let cool before serving.