Cut peach in half, remove the core. Then cut each half into thick wedges. There's no need to remove the skin. Heat the grill pan to very hot. Brush or spray it with olive oil just before placing the peaches on. This will prevent the oil from burning. Grill peach wedges on both sides until nice grill marks form. Be careful not to overcook as peach wedges may start to loose their form. The secret is to cook for a short time on a well heated grill.
1 peach
Sprinkle salad greens with extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt. Place on a large serving plate. As an alternative you can assemble this salad already on individual plates.
1 cup valerian salad or baby greens, Extra virgin olive oil, Salt
Roll prosciutto slices into roses. Place on the bed of greens together with still warm peach wedges.
4 oz prosciutto crudo
Carefully break Burrata open into several bites. Place between prosciutto and grilled peach wedges. Add a touch of fresh ground black pepper.
1 ball burrata cheese
If you can't find Burrata at first try but still craving to try this salad, you can use fresh Mozzarella cheese instead of Burrata. It'll still come out delicious, but not as so as with real Burrata cheese.