Italian Millefoglie cake is made with flaky and delicate puff pastry generously layered with soft vanilla custard, dusted with powdered sugar and topped with fresh berries.
Puff Pastry Sheets: Prepare 3 ready to use puff pastry sheets. Pick each sheet all over with a fork to make small wholes in the dough and let it “breath” while in the oven. Bake each sheet of puff pasty on a baking sheet lined with a parchment paper at 390-400 F for 15 minutes or until light golden brown.
If the puff pastry you bought requires rolling, roll it into 3 pieces of equal size and approx ¼ inch thick.
Vanilla Cream: Beat egg yolks with sugar. Add corn starch, vanilla and ½ cup milk. Whisk everything well until a smooth and even texture without any lumps.
Heat 1 ½ cup of milk on a stove-top without boiling it. (Yes, you still have some milk left which we’ll use in a few moments). Turn the heat on low and slowly start adding egg yolk, corn starch and milk mixture to the heated milk. Whisk continuously to prevent formation of lumps and cream sticking to the bottom of the pot. Continue whisking until until the cream starts to become pretty thick and turns into custard.
Be careful not to overcook the cream otherwise you’ll get a sweet omelet. Once you see consistency of the cream is thick enough transfer it into a large bowl.
To stop cooking process, pour the remaining milk slowly until you reach the desired thickness. Stir well until your cream becomes nice, even and velvety.
Assemble Millefoglie Cake: Place the first layer of puff pastry on a serving tray. Spread ½ of the cream over the top. Add half of the berries. Repeat the process with the second layer.
Cover the cake with the last puff pastry sheet. Dust with powdered sugar and a few berries you used in the cake.
As an alternative, to stop further cooking of the cream once it’s removed from the heat place a bowl with a cream into a large bowl filled with ice. In this case use don’t need to preserve 2 cup of milk, just heat up 2 ½ cups straight at the beginning of this step.