In a bowl mix flour and instant dry yeast. Add water and mix with a dutch whisk or with a fork until roughly combined.Add about 2 teaspoon of olive oil taken from the total amount. Mix with a mixer for 2 minutes until compact dough forms. Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and let rest for 15 minutes.NOTE: Resting time is only required if you are using a hand-held dough mixer. Resting time will help the dough develop gluten without forcing you mixer too much. You can do the same process using a standing high quality dough mixer like Kitchenaid. In this case no need to let the dough rest. You can proceed directly to the next step.
Start kneading on low speed. Add salt and 2 teaspoons of olive oil from the total amount and continue kneading. You’ll notice how the dough will start falling apart but as you continue to knead it will come together again. Add the remaining olive oil in small 2 teaspoon per time batches. Don’t add the next oil until the dough hasn’t absorbed the previous amount and hasn’t turned smooth again.It will take total of about 6 goes to add all the oil.Finish kneading the dough until it’s smooth and no longer sticks to the bowl.
Fold the dough by pulling one side and folding over the other. Flip the dough and repeat the folding. After 3-4 folds you’ll notice how the dough will become more resistant and you’ll need to tuck it well after folding. Pay attention to not over-do it. Once you get a smooth ball, stop.
Set the dough for proofing
Place the dough ball inside an oiled container. Cover airtight and let rise until double in size.
Shape Panini
Once the dough has doubled in size remove it from the container and divide into 10 pieces, about 3 ounces (85-90 grams each).
Using a rolling pin, roll each pieces into narrow long rectangle and roll it tight over itself tucking the sides.
Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet distanced apart. Cover with a poly bag and let rise until almost double in side. Place a couple of glasses distanced apart to prevent the plastic sticking to the rolls.
Once proofed, panini should be nice, puffy and jiggle if you shake the baking sheet. Depending on the room temperature it might take anywhere from 1 hour to 4 hours.NOTE: If you want to speed up the process place baking sheet with panini in the turned-off oven and put a bowl with hot (not boiling) water at the bottom of the oven.
When ready to bake, remove the baking sheet from the oven (if you proofed the panini in the oven) and preheat it to 375 F (190C) fan off.
Mix 2 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil with 2 tablespoon of water and a generous pinch of salt. Beat with a fork until oil and water created an emulsion. Brush panini with it and set in a preheated oven in the lower third. Bake for 20-25 minutes.
Once out of the oven, cover panini with a linen towel and let rest for 15-20 minutes before tasting.
Use a kitchen scale to measure all ingredients in grams.
Instead of a mix of bread and all-purpose flour use the same amount of 12.5 % protein flour (this reads on the nutritional label as at least 4 g per 30 grams serving size or 12 grams per 100 grams) or better and easier yet Italian Pizza flour.