Friselle Pugliesi - Twice Baked Italian Snack Bread
Try this Friselle, Italian twice-baked bread from Southern Italy and you will always make a big batch to store in the pantry and use in a variety of different ways.
In a large bowl mix both flours with yeast. Add water, roughly mix.Add salt and extra virgin olive oil.
Knead the dough using a stand or hand-held mixer with a dough hook on low speed.The dough is ready when a smooth ball has formed.
When you have a smooth ball of dough cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and let rise until double in size. Depending on the room temperature it will take between 2-4 hours.
Once the dough had doubled in size divide it into 6 equal peaces.Fold the sides of each piece in the center than roll each piece against the work top to form a smooth ball of dough.IMPORTANT: dust the work-surface with flour very slightly or not at all. Friselle dough is low hydration so it will hardly stick to the work top.
Using a rolling pin flatten each piece of dough into a round shape about 4 inch (10 cm) in diameter.
Using your fingers make a hole in the center of each disk.Turn the disk while doing so to smooth out the edge and stretch it slightly.As a final result you should have friselle about 5 inch (12.5 cm) in diameter.
Place friselle on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.Cover with a poly bag and tuck the sides. Cover with a linen towel on top (optional).Let rise for 40-60 minutes.
Bake in a preheated to 392 F (200C) oven for 12-15 minutes.
Let cool until you can touch friselle with your hands.
Split each frisella in half using a sharp bread knife to form 2 friselle out of one and place back on the baking sheet cut side up.
Bake for the second time for 30-40 minutes at 330F (165C).
If you don't have a stand mixer you can easily knead the dough by hand. You don’t need to spend a lot of time of energy doing this. Simply fold the sides of the dough on itself into the center until a ball forms. Let rest for 20-30 minutes making sure to cover it with a plastic wrap! Repeat the process for 2-3 times. After each round of folding the dough will become smoother and smoother.