Brew your coffee a little bit stronger than you would normally drink.I use 4 tablespoon ground coffee for 1 ½ cup water. Let it cool.
In a pot combine water and sugar. Place over a stove top on medium-high heat.Let the sugar dissolve and after the whole thing starts to boil let it simmer for 10 minutes until syrupy.
In a food processor combine, coffee, syrup and vanilla essence. Pulse it on high speed until it becomes a lighter color, like cappuccino color and very foamy.
Transfer into a frost-resistant container and place in the freezer for 1 hour.
After 1 hour take the container out from the freezer and stir everything well with a fork, breaking and uneven lumps that might have started to form.
Place back in the freezer for another hour. Repeat the process 2 times.
The end result you should be a creamy, semi-frozen granita. Dark on the inside with still light foamy swirls in between.
Serve in individual dessert or cappuccino cups layered with whipped cream on the top and at the bottom.