Make these easy cantucci cookies, also know as crunchy almond biscotti, with only 4 main ingredients! They are perfect for dunking in coffee, tea or sweet Marsala Wine.
In a large bowl mix flour, sugar, salt and baking powder. Lightly beat the eggs and add to dry ingredients. Add vanilla extract and/or lemon zest. Work with your hands or standing mixer until crumbly dough forms.
2 lightly heaping cups all purpose flour,, 1 scant cup granulated sugar,, 2 large eggs, ½ tablespoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, Pinch of salt, Lemon zest (optional)
TIP: take a small piece of dough and try to roll it into a ball. If the dough comes together nicely and you’re able to form a sticky small ball than you’re on the right track (see notes).
Add almonds and continue to knead until almonds are well combined with the dough.It’s normal for almonds to fall out at first, as you continue kneading you’ll be able incorporate all of them (and maybe even more, if you prefer).
1 cup almonds with skin,
Divide the dough into 3 parts.Dust work surface lightly with flour. Roll each part into a thin log - about 2 inch (5 cm) thick and 10 inch (25 cm) long.Arrange logs on a baking sheet well apart from each other. They will puff in the oven (see images).
Brush with ½ beaten egg.
½ egg
Bake in a preheated to 350 F (180C) oven. Bake for 25-30 minutes until lightly brown.
Once out of the oven let cool for 10 minutes. Cut with a sharp knife slightly on the diafgonal into about ½ inch (1.5 cm) thick slices.
Place cantucci cut side up back on the baking sheet.
Bake for the second time at 350 F (180C) for another 10-15 minutes. Biscotti should not brown but dry a little bit. They will still be soft straigh out of the oven but with harden as they cool.
If the dough is too dry, add another ½ of an egg remaining from the eggwash or a few tablespoons of water.If the dough is too sticky, use more flour for dusting. Press gently with your hands flattening it a little bit.